siapakah dia??haha..
he is younger than me..
yet,perangai macam budak2 masih,haha..mesti la..
n reli special to me..serius!!xmain2 ni..
my past holiday..
i didn't spent much of my time with him..
yet,i still missed all da moments we shared together..
like i said..
he is younger..
yet,he teach me a lot of things..
human rights..
do's n don't..
people feelings..
laugh n cry..
entertaining people..
most important,RESPONSIBLE..
i wish..
i grow old with him..
take care of him until death come to me..
if i can choose,i would like to change my place with him..
koz he is special n precious to me..
that no one in the world could change his place in my heart..
one of the reason i'm here now..
the reason why i study medic..
for him,inshaAllah one day..
ya Allah..
tanx for lending him in my life..
tanx for lending me this life to b with him..
syukran ya Allah..
boy~~kkak rinduuuuu btul mw main basketball sama ko.. :'( |
"boy,kkak rindu tul sama ko..sori r spanjang cuti hari 2 kkak xbyk kc luang masa sama ko..petang2 pas ko balik skola,kkak p main basket pun hujan kan..siok main sama ko..kkak patut masak sedap2 kan tengah hari..supaya ko balik skola,ble makan sedap..xpa,lapar2 kita p bli aiskrim kan??hehe..boy,sori r..kkak xda luang banyak masa ajar2 ko menulis..ko p kc tgk kkak,kkak iya2 kkak maw ko blajar tw,kc abis buku yang baru beli 2..A saaampai Z mesti complete r??nnt kkak balik kkak kc cari lagi buku tulis..kali ni nombor2 la r??boy,kkak ingat suda saiz baju ko..14 1/2..hee~~sori r kkak kc beli baju skola baru,tp blum sempat jahit badge n nama ko..kkak lambat suda balik Raya Court ari 2,blum lae packing masa 2..rajin2 p skola tw~~kkak suda kc bli baju skola baru kan??boy,kkak baaanyak lagi maw cakap..jz want u 2 know,kkak bangga ada adik mcm ko..mama prnah ckp.."senang lagi jaga c boy dari jaga kamu.."..mmg btul la 2..ko kan istimewa~~saaangat special n precious untuk kkak..sori sekarang kkak paksa cni jauh2..xda mw tolong iron baju skola ko..cuci kasut ko..sdia mknn pas ko balik tgh ari..n paling pnting,kc kwn ko main basketball..jaga diri boy..kkak xmw ada apa2 jadi sama ko..nnt kkak sedih..saaayang sma ko boy.."
adk saya special sebab dia ada Down Syndrome.. :)
~ lots of love, shasha ~
me cried again while reading this..
ReplyDeleteand the post u wrote n related like this before..
oo~~dat post??huhu
ReplyDeletei still cry reading da last one also,huhu..
tnx aisya 4 reading.. ^^